I made these videos on the 29th, sorry I've been slow. I had my consultation already and I'll try to post the results of how that went. I'm not the happiest, but I'm going to still try to be hopeful. So let's get to the post I had planned for the 29th. Let me give you some info on the radioactive isotope.
It's also called a SPECT scan. This radioactive isotope gets injected while you are in a seizure. After you get injected, they take you down for an MRI, then the next day you go down for another MRI. The SPECT MRI shows hot spots in your brain. Then, they compare your regular MRI to the SPECT MRI to see if there's a place that is more focal then another.
Warning: You're about to see a seizure
Warning: I'm going to show you another seizure
Yes I'm a big baby watching you seize :) it was emotional to have to stand bank and let the team the care of you. First l was worried you had such another violent one so close together and you seriously had turned the grayest you had ever been, second they got the injection in the first day they set up, me and I think it was Connie the other tech were both crying and you know I can't cry alone! Thank God you don't have a clue what happens during those! Love you my love 💞