Friday, May 25, 2018

Don't Cry

Okay, the goal is not to cry while writing this one. It's still pretty fresh and I'm still pretty tender. You, however, cry that river of tears! Everyone needs a good cry now and then. This might help you to let it all out!

I had this strange feeling. Like Nana needed to know that Joel and I would get married sooner than later. I bet you thought we were married huh? We're in this almost a decade, might as well be? So, I ordered this CZ ring that was very pretty. Nana let me try on her wedding ring a few times, I love that ring. It arrived. It was still very pretty. I did a video call to Nana and Aunt Maine. I told Nana that Joel and I were engaged. No he didn't ask. Nana was so happy for the news! I actually wish I would have kept her waiting.

I still was having 100+ absence seizures a day. So, I started to experiment with the CBD oils and I was smoking dope too. This wasn't my first time, but the way it worked with my brain was different now. My hope was that it would keep my absence seizures down. Which it did, when I was high. When I would come down, they escalated very quickly. Which meant, in order for my absence seizures to be maintained, I would have to be using herb all the time. That's not a cheap treatment and not good on the lungs I'm sure. I cared at that time.

February 2016, just before Valentine's Day, Joel gave me a real ring. With a real marry me someday. It was the kind of proposal that fit us. We had been together for this long that some giant gesture wasn't necessary. I was so excited though. We took it in to get sized for my bony finger. This lady brings out this perfectly matched band that they would be merged with my ring. I had to. Joel said, "So you just turned your ring into a wedding ring?" YUP!

I couldn't wait to tell the family and show them, especially Nana. Valentine's day, I get a call from my mom. Her and my dad were at Maine's. I thought they were just there visiting. Then I could hear it. The sniffles and the quiver in her voice. Then my dad got on the phone. I told him I wanted to say hi to Nana. He put the phone on speaker and I talked to her like I would any other call. I asked my dad if she said anything, I couldn't hear her. He got choked up and simply said no. I looked at Joel and just poured out tears. I told my mom I needed to call her back. Joel just held me.

She was still alive she had stopped eating and drinking and it was only a matter of days. I don't know how he understood what I was saying, I had tears mixed with snot. He told me I needed to go down there right now. I felt so bad because it was Valentine's, but I needed to be there.

My mom drove up to get me. The whole time waiting for her, I kept pacing back and forth saying,"I'm not ready for this, I can't do this." I said it over and over again. I wasn't going to be able to keep my shit together sober. I had to get very very very high. I did. That, plus my Xanax were keeping me at a numb level. One that kept me from breaking down on the floor as soon as I got there.

I just knelt by her. The tears were streaming but I was silent. Maine asked if I wanted to paint Nana's nails. I knew it was going to be the last time I would get to. I did something awful though as I was painting. Something I can't forgive myself for. I kept saying in my head, "Nana wake up! Open your eyes and look at me! Say something! Anything!" I was angry and I had no right to be. She was on morphine just to be comfortable while waiting for the right time to let go, and I was mad.

The next day, I called the Priest I had growing up. He was Nana's favorite too. He was kind of another member of the family. I left a message to call me back it was urgent. I knew Nana was going to need her last rights. I didn't want to accept that, but I was grown up now and wanted to be more helpful than a mess. I thought my dad would be mad, but when I got to Maine's he was looking up Father Andrew's number too. Maine asked if we would go find a dress for Nana. It was just motions. Asked to do something, go get it done. My mom, my cousin Georgia, and I found a Nana dress. On the way back Maine called that Nana's breathing was getting slower and deeper.

I called Father Andrew again, told him we needed her last rights, that she was just barely hanging on. He got there shortly after we had pulled in. He gave her last rights. Suddenly a room of silence turned into heavy crying all at once. Maine's hand had not left Nana's. Not even when I was painting her nails. Maine just switched hands when I was done with one of them.

Later, the current Priest at the church I grew up in arrived. He was going to give her last rights. He didn't know that she had already had them. But Nana is so special that she gets two last rights.We couldn't even cry this time we were cried out. My cousin Autumn hadn't been there earlier and was the only one crying. We explained to her after he left, that this was the second time. She was so relieved she thought the whole family was suddenly heartless.

I couldn't sleep. I had to take a sleeping pill just to get tired. Before I did that though, I looked out the window of my parents' room where I was staying. With all the strength I had left and all the love in my heart, I said in a whisper, "It's okay Nan, we'll be okay, you can let go now."

The next morning, I was looking out the window again when Justice came in the room crying. I knew, I honestly knew that night after I said it. I truly believed in something again, it was different but it was real. She gave faith back to me at that moment.

Side note-Right now, I'm listening to the 90s and Celine Dion's Because You Loved Me is on. Not a coincidence. Now is going to make it even harder to finish this.

Back to the story. Justice came up to me and grabbed onto me bawling. At that moment, I knew my role this time wasn't to breakdown like a kid again, but to hold my siblings that were breaking down. I let them know it was okay and she wasn't going to be hurting anymore. It was February 16, 2016. Nana was 94.

My dad and I wrote the obituary, met at the funeral home with my Aunts and Uncles, then I went back home later that night. I wrote my eulogy on behalf of the grand-kids. I knew what they needed from me. They needed my sense of humor.

Before I could give my eulogy, we had to say goodbye before they closed the casket. The engagement ring I had shown Nana, I wanted it to stay with her. So it did, it was on her finger before it was closed. I gave my eulogy. I didn't have an absence seizure during the eulogy or the burial. Before and after that they were still there 100+

It all hit me at the cemetery. Like a brick. I lost it. My mind, my strength to stand, and every tear I had. Everything in those few days just broke at once. Joel was holding me up the best he could. He wasn't going to be able to hold me up for the depression that would follow. My reaction to Grandpa's death was nothing like what was coming.


Take Me To Church

I have to get into this before the next post. I really don't want to but it will make more sense. Like most Italians, I was born Catholic. Fellow Catholic? Peace be with you, and also with you! Non Catholic? Peace be with you too!

I believed it all, I loved going to church, and I loved being Catholic. I was a good little Catholic girl. I participated in everything I could and it made me very happy. Praise Jesus!

After Grandpa died, something changed in me. Yes, I was depressed. Very depressed. That turned to anger and I needed a sign. I still believed in God, but my prayers were very different. They became long angry conversations. I just started going through the motions of what I used to do and I wasn't participating in the things I used to love.

The big finale was coming up. Confirmation. After that, I was ready to just silently rebel. I didn't tell Nana, but she could tell I wasn't the way I used to be in church. Nana was a devout Catholic, I couldn't break her heart. So, I kept going to church.

I stopped getting communion. Once it became more difficult for Nana to physically go to church, I went less. The priest would go to Nana's for her communion and she would watch mass on TV. That's when I started going to church only a few times a month. I was hoping to see my crush more than anything

I went to college. I didn't go to church at all. I still considered myself to be Catholic when asked but, I wasn't acting like one by any means. Then I decided I was an Atheist. It just didn't make sense. None of it. Plus, with all the bull shit going on, I kept asking why. Why me? Why this? Why? Why? WHY? I wasn't getting any answers. I was just lost and buried in sadness.

Then, I really started thinking deeper. How did this whole concept even make sense? We just float our way to heaven and we are reunited with family in some fluffy kingdom? It started driving me nuts. So I stopped trying to make sense of everything and went on to believe something more realistic. Like my body just decomposing into the Earth and coming back as a tree.

During a semester, I took a Religious Studies course. It covered the evolution of religions throughout the world. A lot of them made way more sense than what I was raised on. I was really into the thought of reincarnation. I wasn't going to keep changing the name of my religious association. I thought that was stupid.

Eventually, when asked what religion I was part of (which is really nobodies damn business), my answer was Non-Denominational Christian. ND Christian? NDC? There needs to be a shorter term. You have to take a deep breath before saying it and that is just to  damn long. My dad was very disappointed. It wasn't like I didn't believe in a higher power anymore, I got back to that place. He should have celebrated!

Alyssa decided in college that she was also Non-Denominational Christian. My dad said, "I'm getting sick of my kids going to college and becoming this Non-Denominational shit!" Then added, "And getting TATTOOS!" Eyes on me. I had already been warned that if another one of his kids got a tattoo he was going to kick my ass. Then I took Alyssa to get hers. HA! Ass not kicked.

Focus! I no longer believed that I had to go to church in order for God to love me. I could believe what I wanted to, where I wanted to. There were so many things in my life that couldn't just be a coincidence anymore. I needed to believe in something to get through everything that had happened and was going to happen. I felt like someone was watching over me. I knew who it was. The next post you'll see who reinforced that in a big way.


A Finger For Dinner?

January 2016. I just had another VNS follow up. I was having problems breathing at night from the VNS so Dr. Combie didn't increase it at all. My other medications stayed the same as well, except for Onfi. Now it would be 25 mg in the morning and 20 mg at night.

Something was very wrong with how I was feeling. I stayed on the bed until Joel got home. I hurried to him and for the first time I told him, "My magnet is on the left side of my pants if anything happens." Screw the "How was your day honey?' let's go with "Hey, I'm probably going to seize." Poor guy.

We sat on the couch for dinner to watch a movie. Ten minutes later, I was taking a bite of my sweet potato. Why is Joel on the phone and I'm on the floor? Who is he talking to?? What about me going to my parents?????

I did it again. I gave him fair warning! God damn it he's about to break up with me! Shit, I'm hyperventilating! EFF why does my tongue hurt so bad???

He didn't break up with me. I almost bit his finger off though. I went into my grand mal just after I put that sweet potato bite in and pulled out the fork. I didn't get to enjoy my sweet potato!! Joel got me on the ground, on my left side. Now standard seizure response is, don't put anything in their mouth.

Something was already in there though. Joel didn't have much choice. I suffocate and he loses me, or he potentially loses a finger. Tough decision. He got the sweet potato out of my mouth. In the process of him losing some skin off his finger, I bit the hell out of my tongue.

He was able to try the magnet with my VNS while I was seizing. It didn't really have that much of an impact.
He saved me. Again.

Look how weird my tongue bruised. Yuck! It's like I ate a popsicle on one side of my tongue. So weird. I was talking pretty funny for about a week. I had to ice that baby for several days.

My taste buds still work. Joel is no longer a fan of sweet potatoes.


Raptor Attack!

November 2015, I just had my VNS follow up appointment. Dr. Combie had increased the strength and frequency of the VNS. I was on 25 mg of Onfi twice a day, 50 mg of Zoloft, 1 mg of Ativan every eight hours, 50 mg of Tramadol every six hours, and 10 mg of cyclobenzaprine twice a day. This is nothing by the way.

Later on that month, Joel's cousin was coming up to our place for dinner. Joel was in the shower, I was in our room folding laundry and straightening up while dinner was cooking. Joel and I were making some jokes through the non-soundproof wall. Then the jokes became one sided. I was on the floor, looking up at Joel in his boxers. He was on the phone with my mom. I was trying to get up and he kept yelling "Just lay down!" I looked at my leg.

"Hey, my leg..."

"Lay down!!"

Jesus, take it down a notch. He was walking into the kitchen after he got off the phone with my mom. He called his cousin and told him I had just had a seizure and that he probably didn't want to come up for dinner. Well, he was just pulling into the driveway. While Joel was distracted, I checked out my leg and started to get up. His cousin saw me in the bedroom and said, "How are you even walking??" Damn it! Joel came right in.

"Why aren't you laying down??"

"Because I can walk!"

"Go lay on the couch at least."


That didn't last too long I was up checking on the food.

"Babe, get on that couch"

Eye roll. I went back to the damn couch. Then I was served dinner. That's a perk, right? But look at my leg, tell me that doesn't look like I was in Jurassic Park and one of the raptors attacked my ass!

Oh my goodness, of course I will tell you the what did we miss part! Joel. Shower. Jokes. Silence. Panic. Joel hopped out of the shower, no towel. I had fallen backwards and hit my leg on the end of bed frame. You know that metal part? Joel was standing over my face making sure I hadn't hit my head. he was dripping water all over, I had looked up and looked at him like he had violated me. So he hurried and grabbed some boxers. Those I remember.

As he's telling me this part of the story, holy shit I was DYING!!! I hadn't laughed so hard in a long ass time. I mean, the my chest hurts I can't breathe laugh!


Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

So who the hell lit the black flame candle that just effed up my Halloween?? ;) You gotta love that movie, if you don't your childhood...