My mom and I love the movie! Not the whole alcoholic rehab thing, just both enjoyed the movie together. It had been more than a minute since the last time I watched it. And there's this line from the movie that made me think of my mom.
After Sandra gets checked in and is still annoyed with having to be there, this spiritual lady throws out this biblical verse (I'm still not getting holy). "God will never give us more than we can handle."
She's given birth to four children, two of them at the 10 pound mark. She's nurtured us more than we deserve; helping to shape us into the individuals we are today. She's created wonderful traditions that makes her daughter try to recreate every holiday detail she's ever done.
Ummm....she is also able to aim breast milk at her children's eyes. No joke. Alyssa and I were giving her a hard time about something as she was pumping for Maria. She fired once at me and once at Alyssa! Successfully hitting us each in the eye! Was it traumatic? Uh ya! Was it impressive? Absolutely.
My mother is able to be in about five places at once. Maybe more. Between school drop offs, sport events, pick ups, taking who knows what to who knows which kid, and a zillion other things.
She has dinner done every night. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner we all had at once at one table together. And in between would be cleaning after all of us. Oh and working if I forgot to mention that.
On top of all these miracles she performs she's had four kids have seizures, two diagnosed with epilepsy. She's watched three of those four have their seizures. She took us all to doctor appointments, hospitals, EEGs, MRIs, blood work, ER rooms, etc.
She has done more for us than I can even write. She has been our biggest fan and has taken all of our worries and put them on her own shoulders to make them easier for us.
What she has done for me in this venture that keeps growing is more than I will ever be able to do for another human being no matter how hard I may try.
Our mother has has been through a lot and dealt with it all, things that are peoples' worse fears. However, her strength and love proves that God will never give her more than she can handle.
We love you Momma
Happy Mother's Day, especially those strong women who keep those with epilepsy safe and loved.