I was still incredibly depressed and I wasn't going to the office regularly. I was dealing with Grandpa's anniversary, playing basketball, and missing my doses at school. Sounds like a recipe for disaster! Well it was...
OMG a thug pose in a freakin palm tree shirt. This should cause depression on its own! Tomboy.
Moving on. I was sitting at our kitchen table doing homework, cutting some paper....KABAM! Seizure face plant! Years later, I would find out my effing nose was effing broke from this effing face plant and my effing nose grew back all effing effed up!! I'm not mad or anything.
Scissors. Seizure. Face plant. My mom was in the other room nursing my new baby sister Maria (I'll get to her next). She hears the KABAM!! My mother pulls some Wonder Woman shit and jumps up with Maria in one arm and does a karate kid kick to the table while grabbing me with the other arm. I mean holy shit! What I wouldn't give to have seen that combination! She yells for my dad who was in the basement. He grabs me and gets me on the floor. My mom gets Maria in some safe location while she's calling 911. She's a great multi-tasker.
I came to. I saw a white light. Thought I was dead. It was just the kitchen light over me. There were paramedics all around me and I focused on one of them walking towards me and thought it was our priest. Last rights??? Nope. Just there to load me up in the ambulance.
My dad had a few of those tears that you see just on the side of the eyes. He went to the hospital and they checked my levels. They were soooooooo low. I was in trouble. After this, Dr. Savia increased my Depakote dose so I could just take it in the morning and at night.
So now I was on take your medicine lock down.
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